Our Story


For you have found what you have been seeking. 

They who have earbuds to hear, let them hear:

Once upon a time, in the year 2000 BCE (Before Coconut Earl), there was an idea that had yet to exist. Suddenly, in a cosmic event similar to the Big Bang, Coconut Earl sprang into existence in time and cyberspace. He was the product of his own imagination, like Athena from the head of Zeus. He quickly became a fountain of wise, pithy, and irrelevant quips, insights, and aphorisms. Coconut Earl now lives among us, and can be found here, in this online store. With the ability to think for himself and in no need of a role model, Earl found that the greatest wisdom lies not at the top of a Tibetan mountain, but on a tropical beach, in the last few drops of a mai tai glass. CE is a  true original. Those that would follow in his path need only look at his selection of original product designs, and place an order. Earl will then personally transport his wisdom to your door, quip by crispy quip, aphorism by pithy aphorism And by personally I mean with the use of a shipping company, such as UPS. How nique in Coconut Earl? Nique enough to make Unique.